One to one personal training:

Get a tailor made training program specifically for you that works with your schedule and goals. Whether its a resistance training program for the gym or home, a cardiovascular program, sport/event specific, outdoor style sessions, or a combination of everything, then we can make this work for you and your lifestyle.
Double up for less:
Train with a friend or partner. You will both receive a 20% discount.
Semi private personal training:

A cost effective way to benefit from personal training, especially if you prefer group style sessions, but want the benefits of a personal trainer, then these sessions are a great balance of the two. Get the motivation you need to maximise your workouts and benefit from technique adjustments and modifications, exercise progressions and lots more information as you go. Blocks of 6 week bookings required (trial session available).
Current Classes:
Saturday morning 8am at WellFit gym, Skerries Point, 50mins. €15 per session.
Wednesday evening 7.50pm WellFit gym, Skerries Point, 50mins. €15 per session.
Sessions discounted to €12.50 when participating in 2x per week.
Pre and post natal exercise

One to one personal training services are available for pre and post natal women.
Exercising throughout pregnancy has many health benefits for the term of the pregnancy, reduced labour time and improved recovery postpartum. It can help to prevent or reduce lower back pain, swelling of the limbs, nausea, fatigue, urinary incontinence and excessive weight gain. Women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to continue doing so after the baby is born. Exercise may increase or improve posture and core strength to help support the baby as well as mental well being and increased energy levels.
Post natal exercise can have both physiological and psychological benefits including reduced stress levels, correction of muscular balance, improved digestion, enhanced immune system, metabolic rate and reduced fatigue.
Pre and post natal women can join the semi private classes above and suitable modifications made, subject to a screening and consultation with Sophie.
Steady Monday run women's running group - not currently running

If you are currently able to run for approximately 40 minutes or cover around 5km and want the motivation, accountability and social group style running atmosphere then this is a great option. Most of the women in the group have progressed from the 0-5km program and simply wanted to continue running and not let their hard work go to waste. Everyone runs at their own pace, no one is too fast or too slow as the route is adjusted accordingly. We start and finish the session together, and run for the same amount of time, those that are quicker simply run further. We run for approximately 40 minutes but the session time will vary slightly week to week, as will the distance covered. Its a great way to socialise and meet people, and keep you on track. Get fit for the summer and enjoy the light evenings.
Warm up/cool down included in the session with dynamic stretches to begin and a thorough stretch of major muscles at the end as part of the cool down.
€50 for a 10 week block.
Click HERE for more details or to sign up. New comers welcome at any time, as this is not a progressive course like the 0-5KM.
Start to run program 0 - 5KM women's running group - not currently running

A 10 week running course in a a progressive, safe, and enjoyable atmosphere. Join this social group of like minded women and either get back in to running or try it for the first time. We will work together and achieve your goals. Sessions will last approximately 35-40 minutes progressing to 45minutes as the distance increases.
Next start date to be confirmed, sessions will be on Mondays at 6.30pm.
Register your place and get all the information you need by clicking HERE.
€50 for the 10 week course.
This is currently proving to be a popular session so please make contact as soon as possible to secure your place.
Client health and fitness assessment

This is a key part to achieving results. An understanding of the client and their goals is essential in developing the safest and most effective training program and for continued adherence. Medical and lifestyle questionnaires completed as well as comprehensive body measurements including weight, body circumferences, blood pressure, BMI and daily energy requirements calculated. A postural analysis and variety of flexibility tests may assist in devising an appropriate program for the client, highlighting possible muscular imbalances and areas of tightness/weakness depending on their requirements.
Approx 1hour €50

Lower back pain management therapy sessions
If you suffer from lower back pain then exercise is a clinically proven way to help reduce recurring episodes by strengthening the core muscles of the body and back. These sessions are safe, with constant monitoring of technique and pain scales. Avoidance of exercise due to the fear of pain is very common and the biggest barrier to completing exercise. Depression is also the most common co morbidity to lower back pain and again, exercise is clinically proven to improve mental health and help reduce levels of depression. Message for further details.
Other Info
Sophie will soon identify your strengths and areas for improvement and will always strive to add that personal touch, even in a group class. The sessions will put you through your paces but with the supervision you need to get a safe and effective workout. Don’t waste your time with poor technique and risk of injury, all exercises are demonstrated and progressions and regressions given to cater for every level of fitness and ability.
A short fitness assessment will be completed during your first PT/semi private PT session as an additional tool for monitoring progress. This consists of a combination of cardiovascular and strength tests in order to establish your current level of fitness, and monitor progress.
A thorough warm up and cool down are essential components of any exercise session incorporating dynamic exercises in the warm up and developing flexibility and aiding recovery through stretching in the cool down.